Author Archives: FoxholeUSAAdmin

What Can Trigger a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Episode & What Can We Do to Help Our Veterans?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be triggered by various stimuli that remind individuals of past traumatic events. Understanding these triggers and how to manage them is crucial for those living with PTSD and their support systems. Today, we at Foxhole Veterans Charity Foundation would like to share an overview of common triggers and practical strategies…

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Why is Peer Support Good for Veterans? What is the Role of Social Connectedness in PTSD & More?

Transitioning from military service to civilian life is a significant challenge for many veterans. The unique experiences and sacrifices made during service often create a sense of isolation when they return home. One of the most effective ways for veterans to cope with this transition is by connecting with others who share similar experiences. Being…

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How to Get Your Veteran Friends into Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ); Build on Sense of Brotherhood & More

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is more than just a martial art; it’s a lifestyle that offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits. For veterans, transitioning from military life to civilian life can be challenging, and BJJ could be the perfect avenue to help them find camaraderie, mental clarity, and a new sense of purpose. In this…

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How Can We Help Veterans with PTSD? Social Support Networks, Lifestyle Changes, Community Engagement

Veterans returning from service often face significant challenges, one of the most pressing being Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This mental health condition arises from experiencing or witnessing traumatic events, such as combat, and can profoundly impact daily life. Addressing PTSD in veterans requires a multifaceted approach, combining medical treatment, social support, and personal strategies to…

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How Does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Help Veterans with Anxiety & Stress? Physical Exertion, Mental Health & More

Transitioning from military to civilian life can be a profound challenge for many veterans. Adapting to a new routine and finding ways to deal with stress and anxiety outside of the structured military environment often requires finding new, healthy outlets. Foxhole Veterans Charity Foundation would like to share how Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is increasingly…

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Can Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Help Veterans Lose Weight? How Many Calories Does BJJ Burn & How to Maximize?

If you are a veteran pondering over the idea of starting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and curious about its benefits, especially in terms of calorie expenditure, this is for you. BJJ not only offers a robust physical workout but also provides mental and community benefits, making it an excellent choice for veterans transitioning to civilian life…

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How Regular Exercise Can Help Veterans: Physical Health Benefits, Social & Mental Well-Being & More

Transitioning from military service to civilian life can be challenging for many veterans. The physical and emotional demands of military service often leave lasting impacts, making the adjustment period difficult. One powerful tool that can aid in this transition is regular exercise. Physical activity offers numerous benefits that can significantly improve the overall well-being of…

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Can You Start BJJ as a Veteran at Any Age? Overcoming Physical Limitations, Training at Your Pace & More

For many veterans, returning to civilian life brings with it the challenge of finding new ways to stay active, connected, and mentally engaged. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) often surfaces as a compelling choice. However, the question frequently arises, “Am I too old to start BJJ?” The answer is a resounding no. BJJ is a martial art…

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How Martial Arts Improves the Lives of Veterans at Home & Work? Improved Health, Less Stress & More

Having a family and working a 40 hour work week can be a challenge for any average individual. However, for a veteran, that is even more challenging. Many veterans are dealing with some sort of trauma that can make life especially difficult in many ways that the normal civilian simply wouldn’t understand. However, studies show…

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