How Do I Make Friends After the Military? Sharing Common Interests with Other Vets & More

Finding new friends after leaving the military can be a challenging thing for many veterans. The camaraderie and shared sense of purpose that is such a natural and integrated part of service is not something you find as easily during civilian life. In the services, everyone around you has the same purpose and are fighting for the same cause. Every service man and women marched in the same direction and put up the same risks. However, in your civilian life, things may look different, with people prioritizing different goals, and placing varying levels of importance on relationships and friendships. Nonetheless, it is essential for veterans to find a supportive and appreciative circle of friends. Foxhole Veterans Charity Foundation would like to share some tips to help you in your quest for post military friendships.

Sharing Common Interests with Strangers

Start by considering the activities, causes, or hobbies that you enjoy, such as sports, martial arts, cooking, family activities, environmental projects or working with rescue peoples and pets from bad situations. Seek out groups whether it is around your community, work or even with your children’s after school programs. Surrounding yourself with people who share your passions provides a natural foundation for creating friendships.

Embrace Discomfort to Build Resilience, Adaptability & Confidence

Approaching strangers and introducing yourself to gauge your compatibility may feel extremely awkward. However, it is necessary to step outside your comfort zone. The only way to determine whether someone will be a potential friend is to initiate a conversation. Look for good conversation starters and get to talking. However, when starting up a conversation consider avoiding topics about your military career. While your military experiences may be of great interest to many civilians, it is important to avoid only focusing on your military past during conversations. Branch out and explore other topics of mutual interest. By diversifying your conversations, you create a more well-rounded connection with others.

Find & Connect With Fellow Veterans

When seeking someone to discuss your military background with, other veterans are a natural and ideal choice. Engaging with individuals who have served or have family members in the military allows for meaningful discussions about your shared experiences and the challenges of transitioning into civilian life. They can provide valuable insights and advice based on their own journeys.

Offer Support & Assistance to Others

While it is natural to think about how your friends can help you, it is equally important to consider their needs. As you engage in conversations with new people, explore ways you can support, encourage, inform, or assist them in advancing their goals. Remember, their ambitions may differ from yours, but if your values align and you enjoy their company, it is worthwhile to invest in the relationship.

Training Veterans Out of Victorious Gym in Troy, Michigan

Isolation is a dangerous enemy that many veterans face when they come home. It is very important to seek friendship. Friendships come in various forms. Finding a new set of friends after experiencing the unique and intense bond of military service may seem difficult, but it is very important. If you are looking for a place to meet people and create friendships, Foxhole Veterans Charity Foundation would like to invite all veterans to come and join us. Training in martial arts is a great way to form friendships, and strengthen your body as well as your mind and to form bonds with others.

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